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English today

Learning English, whether it is online or with a tutor is a never ending journey. Why do we say that? Well simply because in order to learn English we need to continue learning new words and phrases as the English language evolves.

The English language is constantly updating, we have new words and phrases continually being recognised as new habits develop, discoveries are made and technology changes our world. We have new abbreviations and contractions thanks to the world of text messaging. We have new terms and words when it comes to the ever changing fads and trends around us, not to mention all the new diets and health concerns.

So learning English is a challenge, but is it worth it? Learning online with a native speaker is one of the best ways to keep up to date with the ever changing language. Look for ways to expose yourself to these changes via the media or news or internet. Be curious and ask questions. If we don’t challenge ourselves in that way, our English speaking ability stands the chance of becoming outdated and unclear.

Why not try our conversational lessons today and challenge yourself to reach a new level of English fluency!

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